- > Parks France
- > Poitou-Charentes
- > Charente-Maritime
- > Les mathes
- > Zoo de la palmyre
Zoo de la Palmyre
The Palmyre zoo located in the department of Charente-Maritime is one of the most famous zoo in Europe. The tourists can see many species, not less than 1600 animals are present.
It is possible to admire animals from around the globe as Asian elephants, flamingos in the Caribbean and even polar bears! The park is a pleasant place to relax its structure: the shaded paths take visitors within 18 hectares of forest. They will find their trip to visit as many as 112 species of animals, which are visible in environments recreated specifically for them based on their origin. The Palmyre zoo has the distinction of counting a large number of birth: between 200 and 300. Visitors will be an opportunity to see young animals!
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Opening hours
Open daily all year from 1 April to 30 September between 9am et19h and the rest of the year, from 9 to 18h.
Adults: 15 €
Children (3-12 years): 11 €
Tourism near

- 1 Museum
- 3 Monuments