Parks in Poitou-Charentes

List of 4 parks in Poitou-Charentes available on Infotourisme. You can also find all the activities that we offer in the region.

Parks en Poitou-Charentes

futuroscope chasseneuil-du-poitou


Futuroscope is a French theme park located a few kilometers from the city of Poitiers, dedicated to ...


zoo-de-la-palmyre les-mathes

Zoo de la Palmyre

The Palmyre zoo located in the department of Charente-Maritime is one of the most famous zoo in Europe. The ...


aquarium-de-loudun loudun

Aquarium de Loudun

The aquarium is an aquarium of Loudun, which is composed of 5 parts: America Asia The brackish Africa ...


parc-mouton-village vasles

Parc Mouton Village

Park Mouton Village welcomes you in a superb site of 6 hectares.   With more than 21 sheep breeds of ...


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