- > Parks France
- > Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur
- > Var
- > Gonfaron
- > Village des tortues
Village des tortues
At the Tortoise Village you can observe tortoises nesting, you will see young ones of 1, 2 and 3 years of age, animals we are nursing, our laboratory and equipment monitoring nests and eggs. Not one animal at the Tortoise Village has been taken from the wild. All animals have been donated by their former owners and are all destined to be released in selected restocking zones, to help repopulate the Massif des Maures. The Village is also an information and study Centre, a place for meetings of herpetologists and conservationists, with a diorama, a lecture theatre with audovisual aides, and accomodation for visiting researchers and students. This Tortoise Conservation Centre is the only one of its kind in the world. Do come and see us. You will learn many things about tortoises (there are guided tours with tortoise specialist) and at the same time you will be helping us to save the last land tortoises in France.
Accommodation nearby
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Opening hours
Open all the year, every days.
See on website, prices for groups.
Tourism near

- 6 Museum
- 4 Monuments