- > Parks France
- > Auvergne
- > Allier
- > Dompierre-sur-besbre
- > Le pal
Le Pal
The park offers attractions for :
- Children : (the forest enchanted the conquest of the west ...)
- Family : (the sun disk, the pirate ship, the 3D movie dynamik ...)
- The thrill seekers : (the desecnte Colorado, Twist ...)
And meetings with all the animals, some of which are incredible shows.
You can sleep up to extend your adventure in the savanna for a night.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onLe Pal
Opening hours
From April to September: from 10 to 19
Adult: € 23.00
Child: € 20.00
Tourism near

- 6 Museum
- 2 Monuments
Citevolution la ville à votre échelle
Musée de l'Illustration Jeunesse
Musée de la Visitation
La Maison Mantin
Musée du bâtiment
Centre National du Costume de scène et de la Scenographie

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km