- > Museums France
- > Centre
- > Loiret
- > Gien
- > Le musée de la faïencerie
Le musée de la Faïencerie
The Museum of Ceramics was established in 1812 by French industrialist Thomas Edme Hulm. The company has, quite quickly, financial difficulties and changed chiefs several times. In 1842, it bought its competitor, the Faience de Briare. Finally, in 1875, the company changed its name to "Gien".
The company has a museum in the grounds of the pottery. You can discover a collection of earthenware pieces and reconstructing a dining nineteenth century.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onLe musée de la Faïencerie
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 09:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00
Adults: 4 €
Children 7-15 years: 2 €
Free for children under 7 years
Tourism near

- 4 Museum
- 3 Monuments
Le musée de la Faïencerie
Le musée de la Mosaïque et des émaux
Le Musée Conservatoire des Deux Marines et du Pont-Canal
Musée de la Sorcellerie

Sciences and discovery


Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km