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- > Musée d'art et d'histoire romain rolland
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Romain Rolland
The « musée d’Art et d’Histoire Romain Rolland » in Clamecy was founded in 1876 and is housed in the old Duc de Bellegarde hotel.
The collections mainly include contemporary paintings given by the former president François Mittérand. The three archaeology rooms house the gallo-roman vestiges from Compierre, jewelry, arms and three sarcophagus coming from Corvol-l’Orgeuilleux.
The fine art collection includes paintings form the 16th century to the 21th century by Roger de Piles, Stoskopp, Horace Vernet..
Posters from Charles Loupot are also on display Who worked for famous brands such as Cointreau, St Raphael or Valentine.
Musée d'Art et d'Histoire Romain Rolland Avenue de la République 58500 Clamecy
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Opening hours
From 10 am to noon and from 2pm to 6 pm.
From the 1st of June until the 30th of Sept, every day except on Tuesday.
From the 1st of Oct to the 31 May, every day except Monday and Tuesday
Closed: Sunday morning, Tuesday and January.
Price : 3 euros
Concessions : 1,50 euros (groups from 10 ppl, school children less than 16 y/o)
Free: art history students, children less than 16 y/o, drivers and couriers.
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