- > Museums France
- > Rhône-Alpes
- > Savoie
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- > Musée du félicien
Musée du Félicien
Be guided by the Felician, Maurienne peasant early 1900s, and discover its history, the town, his family, his land ...
During the tour you will discover the daily life in the early 20 th century in the valley through three short films. Plowing, large laundry, harvesting, hay, harvesting, logging and other scenes will be revealed yet.
Then towards the kitchen, or Foncine (wife Felicien), waiting for you to itemize their busy days.
Two showrooms include tools, objects and farm equipment used by Felicien and his family to immerse you even more in the lives of these years.
At the end of your visit, you can consult books and guides on the Savoy and go to the shop to find some Félicien post cards and brochures before returning to converse and share in the exhibition hall.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onMusée du Félicien
Opening hours
For individuals from 14 am to 17 pm (last entry accepted at 17 h)
- Excluding holidays, from 1 February to 30 September: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday
- Holiday (3 zones) Winter, Spring and All Saints: Daily except Saturdays
- July and August: daily
Groups (schoolchildren and adults) are received every day, morning or afternoon, all year round by reservation.
- Free for children under 18
- Full price: 4,30 €
- Disabled: 2.30 (partial visit if spastic)
- Adult groups: 3,20 €
- School groups: € 3.00 with a guided tour of 2 hours and delivered a book discovered by student
Tourism near

- 3 Museum
- 8 Monuments
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre
Église Saint-Étienne
Tour du Treuil
Église Saint-Marcel
Eglise Saint-Sigismond
Basilique Saint-Martin
Tour Montmayeur
Château de La Bâtie-Seyssel

Sites and museums

Sciences and discovery


Information within a radius of 30 km