- > Museums France
- > Auvergne
- > Puy-de-Dôme
- > Ambert
- > Le musée de la machine agricole et à vapeur
Le musée de la machine agricole et à vapeur
Now, the Museum of Agricultural Machinery and Steam consists of 3 rooms. In the first, "The Steam Engine Room", was discovered abandoned steam engines. We also appreciate the steamroller, stills and a steam turbine.
In the second room, "La Salle Harvest and threshing", you enter a beautiful showroom with machines in operation: mowers harvesters, threshers, treadmill. We also discover a rare collection of tractors from 1914 to 1958.
Finally, in the last room "La Salle Local Know-how": the wooden looms alongside the new technology.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onLe musée de la machine agricole et à vapeur
Opening hours
Open :
10am - 12am
2pm - 6 pm
Guided tours with machines in operation: contact us
Free visits with book tour in French and English
Prices: Adults € 5.40 - Child (6-12 years) € 4.20
Family: 2 adults + 2 children: € 18
Students - Unemployed - Disabled € 4.80
The Little Mechanic: Interactive tour for children, fun and educational media.
Tourism near

- 1 Museum
- 1 Monuments