- > Monuments France
- > Picardie
- > Somme
- > Rue
- > Chapelle du saint-esprit de rue
Chapelle du Saint-Esprit de Rue
Built between the fifteenth and early sixteenth century, the Chapel of the Holy Ghost Street is classified as a historic monument since the nineteenth century.
The building was looted in the late eighteenth century. Its restoration began in 1839.
Today, it is part of one of the three major buildings of Gothic art Picard with the Church of St. Vulfran Abbeville and the abbey of Saint-Riquier.
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onChapelle du Saint-Esprit de Rue
Opening hours
From mid-February to the end of September
Guided tours every Thursday at 11am
Go to the Tourist Office of St
Price: 3,50 € / person - Free - 12 years
Tourism near

- 4 Museum
- 1 Monuments
Musée d'Opale Sud
Musée Boucher-de-Perthes
Musée de France Roger Rodière
Musée du Touquet-Paris-Plage

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery

Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km