- > Monuments France
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- > Le mans
- > Enceinte et thermes romains du mans
Enceinte et thermes romains du Mans
Built in the end of the third century, the wall of Le Mans is one of the best preserved monument of the ancient Roman empire with those remaining in Rome and Istanbul. The wall is shaped like a quadrilateral and it still standing despite the fact it has no real foundation. 12 towers and a gate are remaining in a perfect conditions. Over the years, the wall protected the city of Le Mans against the constant attacks of the Norman's and the Britain's. It's was one of the strongest protection against the French invaders in the ninth century.
The wall is built in bricks with pink mortar, which gave to Le Mans the name of "Vindunum", the red city. The remains are well conserved. In fact, we can see over 26 feet hight some ancient Roman friezes.
Other accounts of the imperial power are present in Le Mans. A lot of Romans thermal bath are present in the city. They were discovered in 1980.
The Roman bath-houses was a place of sociability combining relaxation, health and politics. Much of the baths were in fact demolish during the construction of the ramparts.
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