- > Monuments France
- > Pays de la Loire
- > Sarthe
- > La ferte-bernard
- > église notre-dame-des-marais
Église Notre-Dame-des-Marais
The Church of Notre Dame of the marsh is a remarkable building from the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is mentioned in many works of art historians and architects as Viollet le Duc, Emile Male, Henri Zerner. She is known for its Renaissance-style choir, stained glass, his organ at the bas reliefs buffet bird's nest. It was built in 4 phases: 1450-1480 nave towards the bell tower from 1480 to 1500, the choir from 1500 to 1596 and became the Sepulchral Chapel vestry 1616-1624. It is a simple parish church that was located in the heart of the city from the late Middle Ages, but its size and beauty show the richness of La Ferte-Bernard and the region around 1500 and the piety of the people. It also favors the fruit of the monarchy who wanted to thank this city, located on the borders of the royal estate and possessions of the Plantagenets and his loyalty to the kings of France during the Hundred Years War. Accordingly, the Kings have allowed the use of a portion of taxes for restoration of the ramparts to finance the construction of the church. Francis I intervened to ensure that members of the Brotherhood Saint Sebastian who collected funds to build the choir receive in exchange for indulgences.
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- 1 Monuments