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- > Sarthe
- > Mamers
- > Discover the sarthe department
Discover the sarthe department
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | MAMERS (72) |
Details | Discover towns and cities in the Sarthe department. |
Discover Mamers

Church Notre-Dame (M.H.) XVIe S., Church Saint Nicolas's Day (turn and gate M.H.) XVe and XVIe S., Old convent of the Visitation - Church of Vezot (M.H) - Church of Moncé in Saosnois Home of Moullins with St Rémy of the Valley - Priory St Symphorien in Marolles Braults - Priory of Mayanne with Dangeul - Audience of justice with Contilly - Castle of Aillières - Castle of Courtilloles with St Rigomer of Wood - Castle of Chèreperrine with Origny the Russet-red one - Castle of Montigny - Castle of St Aignan. Estival animations - organized Visits - Circuit of workshops of art "Lez' Arts strolls some". Hikes and VTT marked out on the country lanes, circuits VTT and equestrian marked out in Forest of Perseigne (on request with the O.T.) GR22 and 22C. Chart IGN Signal 25 "Forest of Perseigne" and "Routes of Pélerins of the Flowering ash to the Holy Mount Michel" available to the OT. Markets of Mamers (1818) and Rene (1535). House of the Shoe and the Trades of Antan with Neufchâtel in Saosnois - Museum "the Beautiful Escape" with Fresnaye s/Chédouet - House of Rurality with St Rémy of the Valley. View-point (Alt 340 m) in national forest of Perseigne (5 000 ha).
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Discover the town of Ballon

The Community of Common draws its name "Doors from Maine" owing to the fact that English and Norman disputed the keep of Balloon a long time, medieval fortress, which constituted the entrance door of the province of Maine.
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Malicorne, small city at the edge of the Sarthe, is located at a trenteine kms of Mans and at about fifteen the Arrow and Sanded. Common chief town of the canton, 1900 inhabitants. It has one of the prettiest borough of the department, composed of a principal street and three places on one which the church is noticed. In addition, the course of the Sarthe, drawing a broad meander in the form of loop, is undoubtedly at the origin of the name Malicorne: "Bad horn" which one knew dangerous for the navigation and the boatmen of the Middle Ages. Since the river, one discovers all at the same time the Romance church of XIème century, the mills which ivy papers with half and the stopping covering of scum the lower race and especially the Castle with its ditches.
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Le Mans, fast city

The Mans, capital of the department of the Sarthe and the old province of Maine belongs today to the area of the Countries of the Loire from which it is the second city. Mans profits from a geographical situation privileged between the Paris basin and the areas of the West European. Mans is a motorway and railway crossroads halfway between the Atlantic and Paris.
Cradle of the car industry and city of the insurances, the city is universally known for its "24 AUTOMOBILE HOURS": The most prestigious race of endurance. Town of art and historical city, Mans is also a city resolutely turned towards the future with a center of activities; Technopolis established on three sites: Park TGV, Université of Maine and 24 Hour old Circuit.
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Discover Sablé-Sur-Sarthe

The presence of the three rivers (the Sarthe, Erve and Vaige) explains the history and the tourist interest of this city of more than 13.000 inhabitants. The city, was protected by an enclosure of which there remain important vestiges. The current castle, dates from the XVIIIème century. Built for J.B. Colbert de Torcy, it will be repurchased by the family of Chevreuse. The duke of Chaulnes which lived there since 1875 will mark of his print the local cultural life. The city since always knew an important economic activity. As of the medieval period, the trade of leather was flourishing. Tanneries still functioned at the XVIIIème century. The port, very active with XIXème, is today the first river base of the department.
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