Cathédrale Notre-Dame

The cathédrale Notre-Dame was the cathedral of the diocese Die in the fourth century to 1801. At that time, the bishop of Die has been largely linked to that of Valencia.

It was built in the twelfth century and is the subject of a classification as a historic monument by the list of 1840. The cathedral retains the original church, built between 1130 and 1250, a beautiful tower, a Romanesque porch and the southern wall.

It was completely rebuilt in the seventeenth century, because of the serious damage it had suffered during the Reformation.

Accommodation nearby

15 € From
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Camping la Pinède

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Le Couriou

  • Recoubeau-jansac
  • 04 85 88 01 38
70 € From
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Hôtel Restaurant Le Château de Passières

  • Chichilianne
  • 04 76 34 45 48

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