Monuments in Bressuire

Monument à Bressuire currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Bressuire

musee-municipal bressuire

Musée municipal

The museum was created in 1971. Housed in the old grain depots, built in 1827 on the location of the monsters of the Cordeliers, it presents a ...
chateau-de-bressuire bressuire

Château de Bressuire

The current castle was founded in the X and XI centuries by the family of Beaumont and occupies a considerable area on the rounded end of a ...
eglise-notre-dame bressuire

Église Notre-Dame

The parish church and priory of the city of Bressuire was built in the XI century. In the XIII century, the nave was rebuilt, the high tower was ...
chapelle-saint-cyprien bressuire

Chapelle Saint-Cyprien

The Chapel Saint-Cyprien, from the X century, is one of the oldest historical evidence of Bressuire, she has such a crypt.

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