Monuments in Annecy

Monument à Annecy currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Annecy

cathedrale-saint-pierre annecy

Cathédrale Saint-Pierre

Cathedral Saint-Pierre d'Annecy was originally a chapel belonging to the Franciscan convent. It was built in the early sixteenth century by ...
eglise-saint-francois-de-sales-d-annecy annecy

Eglise Saint-François de Sales d'Annecy

The building of baroque style, has a simple interior decorated with beautiful altarpieces dating from the seventeenth century. Built in 1614, the ...
chateau-d-annecy annecy

Château d'Annecy

Listed building, the castle of Annecy dominates the historic town. The architecture of the castle is composed of elements from different eras ...

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