- > Tours
- > Ile-de-France
- > Seine-et-Marne
- > Montigny-sur-loing
- > Montigny-sur-loing
Topic | Sciences and discovery |
Departure | MONTIGNY-SUR-LOING (77) |
Details | Montigny-sur-Loing is a touristic village located in the south of the forest of Fontainebleau. |
Circuit 1

Departure from the Town hall Square.
- Go down the rue du Loing, pass in front of the entry of a food shop which is the porch of the old seigneury of Montigny-on-Loing. Continue until N° 34 of the rue du Loing, you discover the former earthenware manufacture of Georges Delvaux, created by Eugene Schopin.
- While continuing rue de la Libération, you pass in front of a house decorated with ceramics plates dued to Georges Schopin. This residence belonged to Georges Schopin then Adrien Schulz. Pass in front of the former Inn “Vieux Moulin”, before the "Hotel du Coq" which you can see the old ensign.
- At the “Gué de la Libération”, go to the edge of river Loing to see the mill and its wheel.
Before the bridge, “Le Gué” is the site of the first earthenware manufacture of Eugene Schopin. - Cross the bridge and admire the landscape, the river and the splendid houses. Take on the right the "chemin du Gué" to join the botanical Escapade (old Bath). You see there a typical view on the Church and village.
- Go back until the blind alley de la Talbarderie where is located the Hotel de la Vanne Rouge and the house “Le Barrage” (with a M at the entry) where Maupassant would have written his novel “Our heart”.
- Take the road of Grez: 100 m on the left, discover the old wash house. 30m further on the right, climb up the slope, take the path des Larris. There is a superb view on the river Loing. Take the rue du Tertre on the right, then the passage du Tertre, to join the blind alley de La Grande Cour to discover the heart of the old Montigny.
- On the Place du Tertre, have a look to a cross from the old cemetery, a water pump replacing an old well and the church St-Pierre et St-Paul whose choir and transept date back from the 12nd century.
- Go down the staircase and pass in front of the War memorial by Charles Virion. Up to the rue du Loing until the rue du Point de vue. The house which forms an angle at n°39 is the old Boué et Petit earthenware manufacture. At the top of the rue du Point de Vue, you can see a superb view on Montigny and the Loing.
- Before joining the railway, a small path on the right goes down to the rue des Gâtines. Down on the right, you arrive to the Tourism Office where you can have documents.
Accommodation nearby
Circuit 2

Departure from the station
- "Place du 19 mars 1962".
Go down the small staircase which goes to rue Raymond Frot. Go until the angle of the food shop and go up the rue Renée Montgermont. then pass in front of the communal rooms of the Long Rocher on the left and Orgiazzi on the right. - Walk up to the Puits de la Peloterie located 200m on the right.
Take the lane of Peloterie then turn left to join the rue Orgiazzi : you are in front of the entry of the Chateau des Brosses N°17 in the street. Go down on the left and cross the crossroads to the street Numa Gillet.
Turn on the right rue des Croix and before the rue du Trou de la Vente, you can see houses of mérovingian style built by Numa Gillet : "Les Ayeules" and "Haut le Roc".
A prehistoric archeological site was discovered during the construction of these residences. - Go down the rue du Trou de la Vente on your left, you discover "The Nest" first open air school in France, transformed in apartments. Follow the street of Noyer Baron. At the angle of the rue des Rouisses is the old Hotel de la Forêt, now became elder home before being divided into private apartments.
- Cross the bridge of the railway and go down the rue Raoul Jacobé.
In front of the Town hall, at the angle of the rue des Corvées, is the old mansion of Eugene Thirion.
The public library is at the back of the Town hall court where you will find many works on the local inheritance.
Accommodation nearby
The Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul church

The church Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul is a part of the charm of the village.
Tthe frontage dates from 12nd and 17th centuries, the choir and the transept from 12nd century. The nave is belated. The date of 1661 wrote on a keystone suggests a restoration at the 17th century. The frontage is opened by a central gate Renaissance with two doric pillars. The bell-tower is end of 16th century.
The old church undoubtedly destroyed by a fire in 16th century did not include a chorus, a transept and a nave. At the 17th century, the nave was increased, the collateral additions just as the bell-tower. Left from the choir, was the vault of the Lords containing the tomb stones of the first lord de Montigny, Jean de Boissière (deceased in 1575), Grand Louvetier of King François 1st and his wife Hilaire Raguier (deceased in 1593).
In 1793, the bell called"Louise" the name of the lady de Montigny in 1619, Louise de Vignacourt, was transferred to Genevraye. The altar was built in 1845.
Dedicated to the Holy Virgin then to Saint-Vincent, this alta is made of sandy concretions looking like grapes coming from La Roche-à-Boule located at the edge of the Fontainebleau forest on the top of the village.
Accommodation nearby
The room of Long Rocher

The room of the Hotel of the Long Rock (Hotel Frot) became a Town hall room. You can admire an wide painting "Herd of deers in Long Rocher " work of Charles Virion.
The town hall is installed the time on the first floor (end of the year 1950) while waiting for the construction of the school complex.
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Tourism near

- 1 Museum
- 3 Monuments