Discovering lembach

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureLEMBACH (67)

Located at the heart of the regional natural park of northern Vosges, the Sauer Valley offers a very attractive landscape with narrow and sunken valleys nestled in oak and fir trees forests.

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Get to the heart of the Sauer Valley


Come to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the Fleckenstein Pond located at the feet of the Sauer Valley! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes and the warm and friendly atmosphere.

With a good book, relax, enjoy a swim, a glass of wine and a breath of fresh air! If you think of staying several days then the 'camping de l'étang', B&Bs, and hotels will give you a warm welcome.

Accommodation nearby

ferme-auberge-du-moulin-des-7-fontaines drachenbronn-birlenbach

Ferme Auberge du Moulin des 7 Fontaines

  • Drachenbronn-birlenbach
  • 03 88 94 50 90
le-verger-de-bischwiller bischwiller

Le Verger de Bischwiller

  • Bischwiller
  • 03 88 63 02 02

The Castle of Fleckenstein


Built in the beginning of the 12th century by the Hohenstaufen family, this fortified castle was inhabited by the Fleckensteins, who became one of the most influential Barony of the region.

This imposing fortress, well known for its exceptional military defense, was destroyed in 1689 by Louis the XIV's army. The ruins have resisted time and still inspire the same greatness and the same charming trait to the 60,000 visitors each year.

The castle was built around a magnificent pink sandstone rock face.

Accommodation nearby

ferme-auberge-du-moulin-des-7-fontaines drachenbronn-birlenbach

Ferme Auberge du Moulin des 7 Fontaines

  • Drachenbronn-birlenbach
  • 03 88 94 50 90
le-verger-de-bischwiller bischwiller

Le Verger de Bischwiller

  • Bischwiller
  • 03 88 63 02 02

The Maginot Line


The Maginot Line named after French Minister of Defense André Maginot, was a line defenses. Generally the term describes only the defenses facing Germany, the line stretches from the north of France to the Mediterranean, while the term Alpine Line is used for the Franco-Italian defenses.


Accommodation nearby

ferme-auberge-du-moulin-des-7-fontaines drachenbronn-birlenbach

Ferme Auberge du Moulin des 7 Fontaines

  • Drachenbronn-birlenbach
  • 03 88 94 50 90
le-verger-de-bischwiller bischwiller

Le Verger de Bischwiller

  • Bischwiller
  • 03 88 63 02 02

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