Welcome to valdrôme

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureVALDROME (26)

Valdrôme is a village of Drome, and more particularly of Diois. Being in a basin just below that of the Build-of-Bottoms, source of the Drome river, built on a rocky outcrop, the village with the characteristic to be served by parallel lanes on three levels and those are connected by staircases precipice called " cantons". When you circulate on one of the paths squaring the basin, you can discover the locality in its cocoon of greenery.

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Discover the village and its history


Built on a rocky outcrop, the village with the characteristic d' to be served by parallel lanes on 3 levels and those are connected by staircases precipice called " Cantons".

When you circulate on one of the paths squaring the basin, you can discover the village in its cocoon of greenery.

But this small village remained alive and animated. You can see it with existing associations: Trade union of the initiative, General sports Club, the association " Together in Valdrôme" , the association " Friends of Presbytère" …
You also see it with the equipment: meeting room, room of the animation, sporting course, playing fields and of sports…

Accommodation nearby

camping-la-garrigue la-faurie

Camping La Garrigue

  • La faurie
  • 04 92 46 55 42
le-couriou recoubeau-jansac

Le Couriou

  • Recoubeau-jansac
  • 04 85 88 01 38

Discover the station of joys

  • The summer, you can practise sports activities, nature, quiet.

The dévalkart, the shooting with the arc, the tyrolienne, trial VTT, technical descents in VTT, the race of the orientation, the zone of plays, the watery adventure playground, the exposure will natura 2000, of the paths with topic, .....
You can traverse the 400 km of paths traced on the basin of Valdrôme. The ski-lift enables you to take the altitude to borrow various paths which will bring you to the village…

  • The winter, the Station is adapted perfectly to the families, the children.

The various ski slopes alpine allow each one to move on its level and to give pleasure. The courses in rackets make it possible to discover a broad attractive panorama.

Accommodation nearby

camping-la-garrigue la-faurie

Camping La Garrigue

  • La faurie
  • 04 92 46 55 42
le-couriou recoubeau-jansac

Le Couriou

  • Recoubeau-jansac
  • 04 85 88 01 38

Hiking in Valdrôme


250 km of pedestrian paths furrow the basin of Valdrôme… paths perfectly marked out and maintained… a carto-guide will make it possible to choose the circuits. Paths of " promenade" with topics are:

  • The path of discovered of Sarcéna (booklet) marked out by totems and interactive games which tackle certain subjects on fauna and the flora (Rotted Pré departure)
  • The path of Dahu: a booklet proposes to discover the various facets of the village in form of the police investigations.
  • The panoramic path of the " ruche" close to the village announces the names of the various tops and hamlets of the village (folder).
  • The cascade of Putaval, this is the objective of a " balade" length of a course of the limpid and tumultuous water. * And for the sportsmen: a shaded course of 11 obstacles and 2 courses jogging (5 and 10 km) technical and varied.
  • Paths lavender lead on the fields of the true lavender.

Accommodation nearby

camping-la-garrigue la-faurie

Camping La Garrigue

  • La faurie
  • 04 92 46 55 42
le-couriou recoubeau-jansac

Le Couriou

  • Recoubeau-jansac
  • 04 85 88 01 38

Guide on the paths of the fine Lavender


 " On the traces of the Lavender in Haut-Diois" is a guide to discover the history of the lavender by the excursion…

Excursions on 1,2 or 3 days on paths marked out thanks to practical cards which will lead you through certain landscapes where some tufts and old stills still testify to the presence of the fine lavender 50 years ago…

And then you will discover here and there lavender plantations currently exploited in a mountain landscape.

Accommodation nearby

camping-la-garrigue la-faurie

Camping La Garrigue

  • La faurie
  • 04 92 46 55 42
le-couriou recoubeau-jansac

Le Couriou

  • Recoubeau-jansac
  • 04 85 88 01 38

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