Welcome to the canton of couhé

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureCOUHE (86)

The Canton of Couhé wishes you the welcome and accomodates you for a stay out of the town.

Area Poitou-Charentes… department of Vienne… territory of the Civraisien Country… at 30 kilometers in the south of Poitiers, our canton opens its doors in the middle of a nature dépaysante and full with resources.

Your voyage entitle " And in the medium three rivers… " ; … Here, the Divine , Bouleur and Clain surround you in their bosky bower…. These courses of water worked in the course of the centuries this changing landscape and continue to rock the Canton Couhé.

Let you charm by a bucolic atmosphere who gives desire for discovering.

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Visit Couhé city


The presence of Divine and the accessibility of the site supported its early occupation.

Its history left in Cohéciens a heritage rich in monuments: the castle of Lusignan built in 1020, the Abbey of Valence - ignored Cistercian abbey - XIII century, monumental markets mentioned in 1580, the medieval house, old stables…

While following the historical circuit of city, you will embark for a voyage in the historical past of this charming village.

Accommodation nearby

Visit Chaunay city


Tombs of the old frank cemetery were discovered near the current dwellings and attest historical past of Chaunay.

After the Revolution, the commune is crossed by the road connecting Paris to Bordeaux. Today the trunk road 10 changed layout, many trade closed and the population dropped considerably.

The Romance church of the XI century. is built on ruins mérovingiennes. First mention of the church St Pierre goes back to 1216, in a document stipulating that Chaunay is an archpriest. The interior of the building is particularly surprising, with the visible traces of various periods of rebuilding.

Accommodation nearby

les-chalets-de-l-heronniere chef-boutonne

Les Chalets de l'Héronnière

  • Chef-boutonne
  • 05 49 29 57 01

Visit Châtillon city


The oppidum builds at the Gallo-Roman time is the origin of the current borough. Châtillon unfortunately kept that few vestiges.

A church dedicated to St Severin is high at the XI or XII century in this strengthened enclosure.

The building, damaged already well at the time of the Wars of religion, is completely destroyed at the end of the XVIII century and is not rebuilt.

The ceiling of the old mill carries the mark of the wheel, and points out its activity. Still goes from there at the end of the XIX century, it from now on is occupied by the village hall.

Surface of leisures: plays for children, game of bowls, excursions.

Accommodation nearby

Visit Ceaux-en-Couhé city


A charter announces as of 942 the church dedicated to St Clement, thereafter several times rebuilt.

The restored Romance bridge makes the pride of its inhabitants. Priory co.

Radegonde of Troussaye built in 1147 it remains only the stoup

Castles of Mounts and Mézieux (XVII century.) - both private properties - are the evidence of a rich past.

Accommodation nearby

Visit Brux city


According to certain sources, to see it Roman which connected Nantes in Limoges passed by Brux.

The construction of its strengthened church goes back to the XI century, with Hugues de Lusignan. Discover its massive architecture, its bedside decorated with modillons, its mysterious inscriptions, and in the interior one liter with l' honor of the lords of Lusignan. The presence of  a loophole evokes the defensive character of the building.

Appointment also with the museum expo, located in the middle of the village, close to the church.

8 rooms of the diversified exposures, that on the middle-class and country clothing of the years 1900 (permanent). Without forgetting the Castle of Epanvilliers, splendid residence having belonged to the family of Montalembert, the XVII and XVIII centuries. Guided visit of twenty restored and furnished parts, which the room of Madam de Maintenon, course discovered for the school ones.

To discover: the home of Chemerault, house of the XV and XVI centuries. Visit outsides, free, in July and August.

Accommodation nearby

les-chalets-de-l-heronniere chef-boutonne

Les Chalets de l'Héronnière

  • Chef-boutonne
  • 05 49 29 57 01

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