Melle city

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMELLE (79)

Melle is a french town, located in the department of Deux-Sevres and the Poitou-Charentes area.

Its inhabitants are called Mellois.

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Discover Melle city


One hour, one day, one week…

Attaching city par excellence, Melle deserves that one is delayed there. 
Discover :

  • The Money Mines of Kings Francs and its Carolingian garden
  • The Romance Triad Saint-Savinien, Saint-Pierre and Saint-Hilaire who is classified with the world heritage of UNESCO like stage on the way of Saint-Jacques-of-Compostelle
  • The architectural heritage: walls, hotel of Ménoc, jubé baroque, markets of Baltard style
  • The arboretums of the Way of discovery and Deux-Sevres through wood
  • The collection of motor cycles Monet & Goyon
  • Contemporary art: the Bridge with the Pinks, the biennial international one of contemporary art
  • And products of the soil: Plural singular, the Road of Chabichou and goat's milk cheese

In each one of these places, indications deliver to you the secrecies of the book of history of the city.

Accommodation nearby

les-chalets-de-l-heronniere chef-boutonne

Les Chalets de l'Héronnière

  • Chef-boutonne
  • 05 49 29 57 01

The Romance Triad


If the Mines d'Argent made the last richness of Melle, its religious heritage makes today a halt impossible to circumvent of it for any Romance art lover.

The city shelters for example three churches of international repute.

  • Saint-Hilaire
  • Saint-Pierre
  • Saint-Savinien

Accommodation nearby

les-chalets-de-l-heronniere chef-boutonne

Les Chalets de l'Héronnière

  • Chef-boutonne
  • 05 49 29 57 01

theMines d'argent


Today, the galleries of the Mines d'Argent of Kings Francs do not resound any more of the noise of the peaks but invite you to replonger in old times.

An interactive and teaching visit to enjoy in family or between friends.

  • The Mines d'Argent of Kings Francs
  • The Carolingian garden

Accommodation nearby

les-chalets-de-l-heronniere chef-boutonne

Les Chalets de l'Héronnière

  • Chef-boutonne
  • 05 49 29 57 01

Melle "Green city"


Each day of the year and whatever the season, the vegetable inheritance mellois makes the happiness of in love with nature and all those which want to be put at the green

  • The way of the discovery, arboretum
  • The green Ribbon of the Communities of Communes Celles
  • The contest of the flowered houses
  • Careers of Loubeau (site Natura 2000)
  • The Carolingian garden

Accommodation nearby

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