The Royal Abbay is also an arts centre under development constant. It accomodates today a residence of the artist and of many artistic exposures d' amateurs and of professionals.
Festivals of great importances among which " Lights of Baroque" with the Mensa Sonora orchestrates, under the direction of Jean Maillet, but also the International academy of Music which makes it possible great formations to occur under the artistic director of Fabrice Grégorutti, without forgetting the reception of master classes of international notoriety and the Academy Junior of Ellipsos Musics.
This place is a space entirely dedicated to the culture since, throughout the year, of the vocal ensembles, the musical orchestras " jazz" and a multitude of the various and varied animations proceed in the Abbey.
The culture, this is also a public library stocked very well of books (in property or loan of the departmental library), reviews, CD, video cassettes and DVD which can be lent according to a payment. The library accomodates animations and exposures to topic in direction of the schools and any public.
The Rural household of Glass casing-under-That proposes many workshops of the workshop of poetry, local history, theater, embroidery, painting, weaving, photographs…
If you like the music: Lark, Music school in Country Mellois, Horns of the Abbey, Big Band Cellois, the choral societies " Through Chants" and " Friends of Belle" you will accomodate.
The association "Friends of the Abbay" contribute to the development and the animation of the abbey and of the historic sites by the organization in concerts and by its participation in various demonstrations.