Restaurants in Ille-et-Vilaine

List of 3 restaurants in Ille-et-Vilaine available on Infotourisme. You can also find all the activities that we offer in the departement.

List of restaurants in Ille-et-Vilaine

hotel-le-grand-large cancale

Hôtel le Grand Large

The restaurant, marine style with panoramic ...
  • City : Cancale
hotel-restaurant-le-clos-champel cesson-sevigne

Hôtel Restaurant Le Clos Champel

On the outskirts of Rennes, Le Clos Champel ...
  • City : Cesson-sevigne
hotel-restaurant-les-marais vern-sur-seiche

Hôtel Restaurant les Marais

Hotel les Marais located near Rennes, in a ...
  • City : Vern-sur-seiche

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