- > Parks France
- > Limousin
- > Corrèze
- > Chamberet
- > Parc arboretum de chamberet
Parc Arboretum de Chamberet
The Park of Arboretum Chamberet is located in Corrèze in the Limousin region. Its offers to visitors many activities. Visitors can explore the House of the Tree and Nature, space where various exhibitions are present: one about animals, on with ruffles, about aquariums and terrariums and one on the limousine Forest. A play area is also available for children who will find games based on the senses so that they experience nature differently. Visitors can relax with a stroll through the Arboretum. This one was built in 1994 by Mayor Chamberet of the time. Over eighteen acres of nature, it is possible to admire a hundred different species of trees, from classic to exotic. Children will be delighted to discover, in the Arboretum, gardens with wildlife including farm animals of the Limousin. They will also have the opportunity to ride a pony in the park! For fans of sports, a fitness trail is also located in the grounds of the Arboretum. Two levels are available depending on the desired difficulty. Sport is a way to experience nature!
Accommodation nearby
Latest news onParc Arboretum de Chamberet
Tree House:
Adults: 4.50 euros
Children (6-12 years): 3 euros
Free for children under 6 years
Wildlife Garden:
Adults 2 Euros
Children 1 euro
Arboretum: Free access
Opening hours
Outside school holidays: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 14h to 18h daily from 14H to 18H
School holidays and public holidays: daily from 9 to 12 and from 14h to 18h
Tourism near

- 3 Museum