Écomusée de la Grande Lande

The « Ecomusée de la grande Lande » is an ecomuseum created in 1970, the park associates 41 local authorities located in the area of the basins of the river Leyre. It covers 315 000 ha and gathers 60 500 inhabitants, in the departments of Gironde and les Landes. The Park acts as a permanent watchdog, increasing the public awareness of the environment. It helps preserving a balance between nature and leisure.

It also aims at protecting and developing this area’s heritage as well as fostering economic initiatives and innovative uses of local resources. The landscapes of the Park are rich but fragile local people on this territory is committed to promote responsible tourism or green tourism. These owners welcome you in their guest house using renewable energy, to ensure that their own impact is as minimal as possible on the environment. They also foster climate friendly means of transport to reduce the environmental impact of the activity .

Accommodation nearby

70 € From
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Les Arbousiers

  • Sabres
  • 06 81 13 28 09
75 € From
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Auberge du Lac

  • Arjuzanx
  • 06 6 5 70 8 7 43

Latest news onÉcomusée de la Grande Lande

Tourism near

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  • 1 Museum


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Sciences and discovery
Information within a radius of 30 km
