Monuments in Toulon

Monument à Toulon currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Toulon

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Le bateau sculpture à Toulon

The sculpture boat It is in the streets of old Toulon between Vezzani street and the passage of the Capuchins in the historic center you will ...
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La Tour de l'horloge à Toulon

During your stay in Toulon, the Clock Tower is visible from the main entrance of the Arsenal or from the Republic of the avenue that runs ...
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La porte de l'Arsenal de Toulon

The realization of this gigantic architectural project is assigned to Bruno Negro de Sainte Croix, and the sculptor Jean Maucord . Built in 1738 ...
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L’église Saint-Louis à Toulon

Classified as a historical monument. Neoclassical church architecture in France . 
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La Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-de-la-Seds à Toulon

Classified as a historical monument. The Cathedral is located in the heart of the medieval city
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L’église Saint-François-de-Paule à Toulon

Classified as a historical monument.
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La place de la Liberté à Toulon

Upper town This vast square located in the upper Haussmannian quarter forms the hub of the city and is bordered by a cinema, theatre, ...

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