Monuments in Aime

Monument à Aime currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Aime

basilique-saint-martin aime

Basilique Saint-Martin

The Romanesque basilica Saint-Martin, dating from the XI century, has beautiful frescoes from the late of XII century and early of XIII century. ...
eglise-saint-sigismond aime

Eglise Saint-Sigismond

The church was built in the XIV century by the Founding Father Nicod Festi, since it is dedicated to the king Burgonde Sigismond. Renovated in ...
tour-montmayeur aime

Tour Montmayeur

Tower fully restored of the XIII century, which houses three levels: models, maps, images and background sounds on the rural mountain habitat. ...

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