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- > Maine-et-Loire
- > Villeveque
Tourism Villevêque
Villevêque is situated in the department of Maine-et-Loire and the region Pays de la Loire.
Sights in Villevêque
- Castle of Villevêque
- Museum Castle of Villevêque
Museums and monuments to visit
Cathédrale Saint-MauriceLocated on top of shale rock, on which the city of Angers was born, the Cathedral of St. Maurice d'Angers overlooks the river Maine, it is separated from the castle by the streets of the city ...
Musée des beaux-artsThe Museim of arts of Angers is in a mansion built in the fifteenth century. The house has also guest Received Prestigious visit Like Louis XII or Encore Marie de Medici. Reopened in 2014, the new ...
Château d'AngersLocated in the heart of Angers, the Château d’Angers was the residence of many sovereigns for four centuries. The story started in 1121 when the count of Anjou Geoffreoy de Plantagenet ...

A tour to discover Saumur
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Saumur
- Durée : 2 jours
Take a weekend at Saumur. This city in the Maine-et-Loire is known for its castle, cavalry school and its wines.

Discover Anjou
- Thème : Sciences and discovery
- Départ : Angers
- Durée : 9 jours
Discover the way of life in Anjou and be welcome by the domaine du rocher

Discovering angers
- Thème : Sites and museums
- Départ : Angers
- Durée : 7 jours
Capital of anjou and gateway to the loire valley, angers is distinguished as much for the richness of its heritage as for its cultural and economic dynamism.

Transport PMR in La Bohalle
- Thème : Walks
- Départ : La bohalle
- Durée : 1 jour
Transport PMR in La Bohalle