Events - Ile-de-France

Next upcoming events

20 May
31 December

Private Jet Tour Around the World

Some places are only accessible by private jet, we invite you to make a choice for an unforgettable ...

PARIS 1er (75)

21 December
4 January

Visit in Plans-Reliefs museum

FAMILY WORKSHOPS Registration: pedagogie.plans-reliefs[at] Price: 7 euros/child. Free ...

PARIS 7eme (75)

25 January
10 May

Visit "Au coeur des plans-reliefs : l'oeil de l'historien"

An in-depth guided tour of the unique collection of relief plans, accompanied by Grégoire Binois, ...

PARIS 7eme (75)

25 January
10 May

Visit "Au coeur des plans-reliefs : spécial étudiant·es"

A visit inspired by the bachelor's degree programs, accompanied by Grégoire Binois, will return to ...

PARIS 7eme (75)

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