
TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMONTIER-EN-DER (52)

Located in the Champagne, in the North-West of the district of Haute-Marne, at the border  of the districts of Aube and Marne, the country of the Der is a place of economical and tourism development.

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The garden Japiot in Montier-en-Der


The creation of this garden dates from the beginning of the 18th century. Originally, the whole garden was "à la française", with borders extended to the street and a grove on the back.

At the 19th century, only few changes except the creation of a pavillion and the parement of the Temple of Dawn, a labyrinth came to trim the river including in the center, an original "fruit bowl". Moreover the park was rebuilt "à l'anglaise" with serpentine alleys, shrubs and groves changing the perspectives until the racecourse, an orangery and a greenhouse.

At last, with a chalet and a bandstand, from the 19th century, a kitchen garden lined with box trees add a recall of the past time.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-dervois montier-en-der

Hôtel le Dervois

  • Montier-en-der
  • 03 25 04 22 76
auberge-de-la-plaine la-rothiere

Auberge de la Plaine

  • La rothiere
  • 03 25 92 21 79

The garden of Mairupts in Planrupt


This garden is a childhood dream came true. The native plants, since the modest daisy to the cardamines, épilobes, eupatoires, ophrys, are mixed with more bright flowers.
Birds, frogs, small animals appreciate the place.
In June, it is festival of colours and scents, with roses, bunches of lysimaques, geraniums, hémérocalles and many others… The garden changes each season but stil attractive in different ways.
The kitchen garden and the orchard perpetuate the fooding vocation of this garden.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-dervois montier-en-der

Hôtel le Dervois

  • Montier-en-der
  • 03 25 04 22 76
auberge-de-la-plaine la-rothiere

Auberge de la Plaine

  • La rothiere
  • 03 25 92 21 79

The lake of Der


Artificial control area on the river Marne, the lake of Der is the one of the biggest artificial lakes of Europe: 4800 hectares of water and 77 km of shores. This is a true internal sea in a landscape of forests and of hedged farmland, traversed of paths and of itineraries of discoveries:

  • 250 km of marked paths
  • 85 km of cycling paths
  • Water leasures area, sport activities, museums, tastings, events …

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-dervois montier-en-der

Hôtel le Dervois

  • Montier-en-der
  • 03 25 04 22 76
auberge-de-la-plaine la-rothiere

Auberge de la Plaine

  • La rothiere
  • 03 25 92 21 79

The churches of the country of Der


Church Saint-Rémi in Ceffonds rebuilt at the 16th century that owns the most beautiful stained glass windows in Renaissance style from the Troyes School.

Church Notre Dame of the Assumption in Droyes  : Roman nave, choir from the 16th century, transept with two alleys, decorated windows of the Troyes School.
Opening: 1st April to October 15 of 10H to 18h30.

Church Saint-Martin in Louze : church of the 16th and 18th centuries, stained glass windows of the 13th century.
Opening on demand.

Church Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Puelllemontier : church of the 12th, 13th, and 16th centuries, lit up by a body of vitraux of the Trojan School.

Church Notre-Dame-de-la-Nativité in Sommevoire : church of the 12th century, edified by the Templars. Porch in Roman style. Very beautiful furniture from the 18th century. Stained glass windows.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-le-dervois montier-en-der

Hôtel le Dervois

  • Montier-en-der
  • 03 25 04 22 76
auberge-de-la-plaine la-rothiere

Auberge de la Plaine

  • La rothiere
  • 03 25 92 21 79

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