Manors and castles in the malestroit region

TopicSciences and discovery
DepartureMALESTROIT (56)

Several manors and castles are located around the region of Malestroit. Information at the Office of Tourism.

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The manor of Balangeard


The remarkable manor is located between Ruffiac and Saint Laurent sur Oust. The manor and its side buildings are listed as a historical monuments and are dating from the 17th century. Free entrance.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The castle of Brignac


The castle of Brignac is dating from the 15th century and is located in the woods in Saint Guyomard dominating the Vallée de la Claie.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The manor of Tromeur


The manor of Tromeur is located in Sérent, its buildings are dating from the 15th and 16th century. The gardens are opened for visits all year round.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The castle of Morlaye


The castle of Morlaye is located in Missiriac and is made of a castle dating from the 18th century and side buildings that are the vestiges of the old manor.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The manor of Vaugace


The manor of Vaugace is located in Saint-Marcel. It restoration was made according to the original architecture of the site. The site is opened to public in summer.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The manor of Touche Carné


The manor of Touche Carné is located in Roc Saint-André. Since 1994 it is undergoing restoration. It is listed as a historical monuments since 1997.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

The 'cour de Bovrel' manor


The 'cour de Bovrel' manor is located in Saint Guyomard and possesses a rare collection of Ossaria dating from the Gallo-Roman period.

Accommodation nearby

domaine-de-la-ferriere buleon

Domaine de la Ferrière

  • Buleon
  • 02 97 75 30 00

Latest news on : Manors and castles in the Malestroit region
