Around the sainte baume : the footsteps of mary magdalene

TopicSciences and discovery

Discovery of the Sainte Baume range, a famous christian pilgrimage destination and one of the finest belvederes in Provence.

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Sainte Baume mountain : Sacred forest and cave

This important massif which name comes from “baumo” which means in local old language “cave”, is closely linked to Marie Magdeleine ‘s story.
Driven out of Palestine during the first Christian persecutions, she landed in the Saintes Maries de la Mer. From there, she began her evangelism mission through Provence toward Saint Maximin and spent the rest of her life, retired in penitence in the cave in the Sainte Baume, which has made this place famous from ages for all the Christians.
You will reach the cave by the Kings footstep (45 minutes walk) through the once sacred forest of the druids, full of rare and unique plant species in Southern Europe. From its cliff top location, the view is absolutely magnificient.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-de-la-vallee-de-l-arc trets

Hôtel de la Vallée de l'Arc

  • Trets
  • 04 42 61 46 33
la-campagne-de-la-source-st-martin cotignac

La Campagne de la Source St Martin

  • Cotignac
  • 04 94 04 66 50
l-hotellerie-kouros cuers

L'Hôtellerie Kouros

  • Cuers
  • 04 94 66 69 25
inter-hotel-souleia aubagne


  • Aubagne
  • 04 42 18 64 40

The Basilica St. Mary Magdalene: the finest example of Gothic

Located in St Maximin la Sainte Baume, it is the most beautiful Provencal Gothic building. Its construction, decided by Charles II of Anjou after the invention of the relics of St. Mary Magdalene, spread over 3 centuries but remained unfinished.

Its crypt contains the sarcophagus containing the remains of St. Maximin, Mary Magdalene, St. Suzanne and Marcelle and the holy shrine containing the head of the Saint. Backed by the Basilica, the Royal Convent was built in the twelfth to the fifteenth century. It was entrusted to the Dominicans. Passed into the public domain in 1791, it was purchased by Father Lacordaire in 1859 who restored it.

Dominicans finally left the scene in 1957. The monastery is built around a cloister, which is surrounded by the old chapel, the old refectory and chapter house.

Accommodation nearby

hotel-de-la-vallee-de-l-arc trets

Hôtel de la Vallée de l'Arc

  • Trets
  • 04 42 61 46 33
la-campagne-de-la-source-st-martin cotignac

La Campagne de la Source St Martin

  • Cotignac
  • 04 94 04 66 50
l-hotellerie-kouros cuers

L'Hôtellerie Kouros

  • Cuers
  • 04 94 66 69 25
inter-hotel-souleia aubagne


  • Aubagne
  • 04 42 18 64 40

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