Dune du Pyla

The Great Dune du Pyla (or Pilat) is the highest dune in Europe with 107 meters high. Facing the Atlantic Ocean, in the Gironde department near the Arcachon Bay, the Great Dune of Pyla is ranked since 1978 "Grand Site National" by the Ministry of Planning and Environment in order to welcome and increasing tourist visits. Thus, more than a million tourists come each year to admire the outstanding panorama from the top on the Bay of Arcachon, Cap Ferret and the Banc d'Arguin. Having a length of 2700 meters and 500 meters wide at its base, the Great Dune of Pyla is not yet stabilized because every year the dune gets between 5 and 10 meters to the country and its height varies permanently. Nearly 60 million cubic meters of sands today form the Great Dune of Pyla. To climb the dune, you can either use the stairs or to go directly through the sand. The Great Dune of Pyla is a landmark for locals, as the highest point on the horizon, also allows fans of hang-gliding to rush from the top of the dune.

Accommodation nearby

villa-regina-vacances-bleues arcachon

Villa Régina - Vacances Bleues

  • Arcachon
  • 04 91 00 96 48
50 € From
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Hôtel la Pergola

  • Arcachon
  • 05 56 83 07 89
59 € From
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Hôtel Lamartine

  • Arcachon
  • 05 56 83 95 77

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