Monuments in Dinan

Monument à Dinan currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Dinan

eglise-saint-malo dinan

Eglise Saint-Malo

Church of Saint-Malo was built in the late of XV century, it's located in the heart of Dinan. The building has a Gothic style including a ...
chateau-de-dinan dinan

Château de Dinan

Castle of Dinan is composed of a dungeon, near the porte Saint-Louis. The dungeon and door make part of 2600 meters of medieval walls that still ...
basilique-saint-sauveur dinan

Basilique Saint-Sauveur

Basilic of Saint-Sauveur was built in the XII century, it now houses the cenotaph of the heart of connétable of Guesclin. Its ...

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