Monuments in Carentoir

Monument à Carentoir currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Carentoir

eglise-du-temple carentoir

Eglise du Temple

Church of Temple was built by the Templars in honor of saint Jean-Baptiste in the XII century, it has a particular frame and the altarpiece of ...
eglise-de-carentoir carentoir

Eglise de Carentoir

Church of Carentoir is dedicated to Saint Marcoul, it's the third church in the village, the first two were on the current place of the ...
chateau-de-la-bourdonnaye carentoir

Château de la Bourdonnaye

On the site of a major castle whose provisions are playable on the cadastre of 1825 and whose remains earlier in the XVI century are kept nearby, ...
chapelle-saint-hyacinthe carentoir

Chapelle Saint-Hyacinthe

Dedicated to Saint Hyacinthe, chapel of the Haute-Bouëxière depended on the castle of the same name. It dates from the XV century and was much ...

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