Monuments in Cabrieres-d'avignon

Monument à Cabrieres-d'avignon currently available on Infotourisme. Also find activity that we offer on the city.

Liste of monuments in Cabrieres-d'avignon

eglise-paroissiale-saint-vincent cabrieres-d-avignon

Église paroissiale Saint-Vincent

The parish church of Saint-Vincent is a monument of Roman origin.
chateau-du-xiiie-siecle cabrieres-d-avignon

Château du XIIIe siècle

The castle of Cabrières-d'Avignon, built in XIII century, was rebuilt in the late XVI century after the episode of Vaudois.
chapelle-saint-eusebe cabrieres-d-avignon

Chapelle Saint-Eusèbe

The Chapel of Saint-Eusèbe is located in the south of the town.

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