Saint christophe exhibition in sauveterre de rouergue

The St Christophe's garage sale takes place in the exceptional setting of the medieval town of Sauveterre de Rouergue, mainly on the arcade square whose covers offer shelter in the event of rain.

It is open to individuals and professionals and entry is free for visitors.

It is possible to eat in the village


Accommodation nearby

48.5 € From
l-oustal-del-barry najac

L'Oustal Del Barry

  • Najac
  • 05 65 29 74 32
65 € From
le-belle-rive najac

Le Belle Rive

  • Najac
  • 05 65 29 73 90

Visit Sauveterre-de-rouergue


Sauveterre-de-Rouergue is situated in the department of the Aveyron and the region Midi Pyrenees. Sauveterre was at the end of the Middle Ages the capital of the cutlery shop rouergate and an important center of the ...