Tourism Loudéac

Loudéac is situated in the department of the Côtes-d'Armors and the region Bretagne. It is known by its tourist sites: the church Saint NICOLAS; the Chapel Notre Dame des Vertus; the Chapel of Saint Guillaume, the Chapel of hospital .


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Moncontour
  • Durée : 3 jours

Moncontour is located in the Côtes-d'Armor in the Brittany region.

heritage-and-local-history cap-armor museums


  • Thème : Sciences and discovery
  • Départ : Quintin
  • Durée : 3 jours

Quintin is a commune located in the Côtes-d'Armor in the Brittany department.

quintin discovery-of-megaliths the-mills
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