Tende, unique diversity of landscapes

DepartureTENDE (06)
DetailsHere some ideas to traverse our commune, vastest of the department of the maritime alps. of the hiker confirmed to the simple walker, you will inevitably find a circuit which is adapted to you, while having outlines and landscapes out of the commun run

Vally of wonders (mercantour natural park)


At the beginning of the lake of Mesches (on the road of Castérino), to go up in direction of the lodging house Snows and Wonders, then to follow in direction of the refuge of the Wonders. The excursion can be carried out in the course of the day but attention, it is long!! (7 to 8 hours of walk, in all). As for Fontanalba, you will be able to cross the historical zone with the proviso of remaining on the path if you are not accompanied by an approved guide. There are some visible engravings since the path. You will be able to spend one night to the refuge to take time more.

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Fontanalba valley (mercantour natural park)


At the beginning of the hamlet of Castérino, to go up in direction of the valley of Fontanalba, for an excursion in the middle of the Park of the 6 hours Mercantour surroundings, therefore feasible in one day. Once the exceeded refuge you penetrate in the protected archaeological zone. You will have to remain on the path, if you are not accompanied by an approved guide. You will pass beside the "Sacred way", impressive polished flagstone by the glaciers, rupestral glazes of engravings of the age of bronze. The return towards Castérino could be done by a parallel road, which will avoid making a return ticket.

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The medieval village of tende


You will be able to reach it with the proviso of leaving your car on side. Tortuous streets, hidden places, turnings and staircases and the collegial one, treasure of Baroque art, brood in the middle of the old man Tende. While always going up in direction of the ruins which overhang the village, you will reach the old tower of the castle of Tende, transformed into bell-tower and to raise you with the top of the village.

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Col de tende


While passing by the tunnel of Tende, and while assembling Italian side, you will reach the Collar of Tends, with its military buildings built by Napoleon III. They are numerous throughout the watershed and imposing, but it is disadvised visiting them, because they are not maintained. The interest to go up to the Collar of Tends is the panorama that you will have there, as well Italian side on the ski pistes of Limone as French side on the valley of Roya, and in dry weather: sea!

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The valmasque valley


The name of this valley located in the PNM would come from a legend of the Middle Ages or the inhabitants of Tends would have charged to a woman because of the famine which prevailed at the time and would have exiled it in this valley. The valley of Valmasque is austere and arid, but it imposes some with its on rock peaks and its vast lakes aligned on 2100 m of altitude. It is an excursion of 6 or 7 hours.

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Granile hamlet


After Saint Dalmas de Tende, to take the road in direction of Granile. Hamlet to 1000 m of altitude, it offers a plunging panorama to you on the bottom of the valley of Roya. Pay attention to the road which is narrow.

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The valley path


Formerly only access path, since it overhangs the throats of Paganin, and Saorge or the modern road found the means of passing, the path valléen is characterized by an installation with stones to avoid the clashes. Today, it is a very pleasant excursion through time...

When there were only the muleteers who passed. It starts from Viévola (hamlet of Tends) to join the Mediterranean with Vintimille. An original way to connect the cities of Roya, with foot.

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