Parc Aquaboulevard

Inaugurated in 1989, Aquaboulevard was the largest water park in Europe for many years. Even today, the complex has an area of 6 hectares: a water park of 7000 meters square, fitness centers, a gymnasium, 5 tennis courts, squash courts, conference rooms, shops and restaurant and a cinema of 14 rooms and 2400 seats. Aquaboulevard offers visitors a change of scenery in a tropical setting.

The water park, safe and hygienic, has many attractions for both young and adults: swimming pools waterfalls, a giant whale slide, geysers, whirlpools. The entire park Aquaboulevard is covered in winter while the summer outdoor pools, a large lawn and a sandy beach allows visitors to enjoy the sunshine. All the water inside the park is heated to a temperature of 29 degrees all year.

UV lamps are also available for having a sunbath even in winter.

Accommodation nearby

86 € From
hotel-de-l-avre paris-15eme

Hôtel de l'Avre

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 45 75 31 03
75 € From
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Hôtel Baldi

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 20 10
85 € From
hotel-camelia paris-15eme

Hôtel Camelia

  • Paris 15eme
  • 01 47 83 76 35

Latest news onParc Aquaboulevard

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